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    Lingkungan Lingkungan Anda di mana ikan Anda akan hidup berkaitan dengan jenis ikan yang Anda putuskan untuk tinggal. Ada banyak faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan berdasarkan jenis ikan yang Anda beli.

    • Suhu air
    • keseimbangan pH air (sebagai aturan umum, ikan aquaponic lebih menyukai pH Balance sekitar 6-6,4)
    • Arus air
    • Penambahan tanaman ke tangki Anda
    • Penambahan aksesori lain seperti batu, mainan, ‘sembunyi-sembunyi’ ke tangki Anda
    • Apakah Anda perlu menutup tangki ikan atau tidak
    Makanan Jenis makanan yang Anda konsumsi juga penting. Setiap ikan lebih menyukai sumber makanan tertentu, meskipun banyak pilihan makanan dapat diberikan kepada banyak jenis ikan. Setelah Anda memulai jenis makanan tertentu, Anda perlu memantau ikan Anda untuk memastikan mereka, pertama, makan makanan dan kedua bahwa mereka tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda negatif, seperti kembung, perdarahan dan perubahan warna.

    Maksudnya, untuk apa Anda membiakkan ikan? Apakah Anda ingin makan ikan, membiarkan mereka menjadi bagian dari sistem aquaponik Anda karena mereka membantu memberi makan tanaman Anda atau hanya sekedar hewan peliharaan?

    Jenis ikan 
    tertentu paling baik menjadi hewan peliharaan sementara yang lain lebih ideal sebagai sumber makanan untuk Anda.

    Ukuran Dalam hal ini, yang kami maksud adalah ukuran ikan Anda dalam kaitannya dengan ukuran tangki Anda, serta berapa banyak ikan yang akan Anda tempati. Anda ingin memastikan bahwa kedalaman tangki, lebar dan tinggi ideal untuk spesies ikan. Beberapa ikan suka memiliki panjang, yang lain senang berada di ruang sempit, sementara banyak yang tidak terganggu dengan ukuran lingkungan mereka.

    Hukum Apakah spesies ikan Anda dianggap sebagai ikan legal, dalam hal itu, apakah mereka diizinkan untuk ditempatkan di dalam negeri? Jika ikan dianggap sebagai spesies invasif maka Anda tidak bisa menjaganya. Anda harus memeriksa dengan departemen perikanan setempat, toko hewan peliharaan atau dokter hewan.

    Sekarang, mari kita jelajahi ikan terbaik untuk sistem aquaponik Anda. Kami telah menghancurkan ikan ini menjadi ikan Edible and Hias.

    Ikan Aquaponik Dapat dimakan

    Tilapia Cichlid  edibel fish for aquaponics popular fish for aquaponics

    Ikan Nila 

    Cichlid termasuk jenis ikan nila dan merupakan ikan hardy yang ditemukan di perairan dangkal, kolam, dan sungai. Cichlids adalah ikan bergizi tinggi protein, tetapi juga dapat disimpan untuk tujuan membantu sistem tanaman aquaponik Anda atau bahkan sebagai hewan peliharaan.

    Ikan nila jenis ikan dapat bertahan hidup pada suhu sekitar 11 hingga 17 ° C (52 hingga 62 ° F).

    Di alam liar, Cichlid kebanyakan adalah omnivora, namun Anda dapat memberi makan hewan peliharaan atau hewan ternak Cichlid di tangki Anda seperti udang dan cacing darah. Sumber makanan yang mudah akan menenggelamkan pelet atau makanan ikan serpihan, yang kaya protein dan serat. Anda dapat, sesekali, memberi makan ikan hijau jenis nila Anda seperti bayam.


    catfish for backyard aquaponics

    Lele lele besar sebagai hewan peliharaan serta untuk aquaponics Anda mengatur.  Mereka warna dan bentuk bervariasi dan dapat sangat cantik sebagai ikan hias. 
     mereka sangat besar membersihkan tangki dinding dan substrat.  Mereka akan, pada gilirannya, menjaga ganggang di bawah kontrol dan akan mendaur ulang makanan dan limbah dari ikan lainnya. 
     lele juga ikan hardy dan tidak rentan terhadap penyakit atau penyakit, tetapi bisa Dapatkan stres jika terancam oleh ikan yang lebih besar, jadi hanya menjadi sadar dari siapa yang Anda tempatkan di dalam tangki dengan mereka.

    Seperti mereka pengumpan bawah atau bentik, Lele akan perlu diberi makan makanan yang tenggelam, seperti tenggelam pelet atau berat jenis ikan beku makanan. 
     di samping itu, mereka seperti untuk memberi makan malam setelah lampu aquarium, jadi ingat bahwa untuk jadwal makan. 
     untuk lebih suka suhu air, di mana saja antara 20 dan 24 ° C 
     (68 75 ° F) adalah baik. 

     beberapa varietas untuk mempertimbangkan adalah Zebra Pleco, Cory, lele berhidung bulu dan badut Lele.

    Silver Perch

    As Silver Perch can grow to a relatively large size, around 8kg or 600mm in length, you will need to consider the size of your tank.
    The preferred temperature for Silver Perch, outside of spawning season is between 18 to 23°C (73 to 82°F).
    As far as eating goes, they love green plants so some spinach, duckweed or azolla will do nicely

    jade perch for indoor and outdoor aquaponics builds

    Jade Perch

    The Jade Perch, whilst similar looking to the Silver Perch in shape, has a greenish hue to its upper region, hence their name.
    They prefer warmer water, although cooler than their cousins, the Silver Perch.  Favorable temperatures would be about 20 to 28°C (68 to 82 °F).
    They, too, like an omnivorous diet and can be seen eating any green variety of plant or a fish food low in animal protein.

    Murray Cod

    Murray Cod fish are reasonably new to the aquaponics lifestyle and in fact new to tank culture.  They need space and are quick growing fish, so take that into account when setting up your aquarium.
    They need to be fed often or they may just start eating each other.  Not something you want to witness, so remember a high stocking density always.
    They are a carnivorous fish, obviously, so be aware not to put them in a tank with smaller fish, even if the species is a Murray Cod.  They will eat them!
    A diet rich in protein and phosphorus is good, so be sure to check your fish food labels.
    Ideal temperature, as they are originally a river fish, would be around 8 to 24°C (46 to 75 °F), so they can handle quite a cold tank.
    On a side note, they’re a really popular fish to catch from the rivers in my home town and are absolutely delicious.


    These fish are very popular in aquaponic systems and are often grown in the warmer months and with slightly mature stock.  If you intend to eat your Barramundi, you will find they have a lovely clean, crisp taste.
    As a tank fish, they will still love to eat fish and crustaceans, so a diet rich in frozen fish, shrimp or prawns will go down very nicely.
    They do well in warmer temperatures so make sure the water is around 26 to 30°C (78 to 86 °F).

    trout for cold water backyard aquaponics systems


    Besides being a great tasting fish, trout have a very quick growth rate as well as food conversion ratio, meaning they convert their digested food to “fertilizer” very fast.
    They prefer a cooler temperature between 10 to 20°C (52 to 62 °F) and originally a river fish, they like to eat aquatic and terrestrial insects as well as other fish, leeches, crustaceans and worms.
    For commercial food, you could try frozen bloodworm and dried shrimp.


    Bluegills are probably one of the most unfussy fish. They will eat pretty much anything, but that doesn’t mean you must feed them just anything.  Stick to a diet of insects, zooplankton, small fish and worms.  Frozen bloodworms are good as well as any flake or pellet type of fish food.
    In terms of a preferable temperature for the tanks water can range anywhere between 16 to 27°C (60 to 80 °F).

    Ornamental Aquaponics Fish

    gold fish for easy aquaponics fish indoor aquaponics


    Your hardiest and by far most popular pet fishes but also a great option for aquaponics.  They have longevity, although you may not think so if you ever owned a goldfish as a child. Difference is that you are now an adult and know how to look after that passive, orange friend.
    Goldfish will survive just nicely on flake fish food and prefer a temperature of around 10 to 23°C (50 to 74 °F).
    If you intend to breed them, you will need to consider some plant cover – they are shy like that!


    Our beautiful bevy of fish species and are in fact from the Carp family of fish.  Predominantly found in Asian communities, these picturesque fish are best grown in larger, ornamental type tanks or aquariums.
    Due to their lovely variety of colors, you want to ensure the food you feed them is high in Beta Carotene, which will enhance and help keep their natural colors.
    Huge omnivores, you can feed your fish lettuce, watermelon and peas, but it is best to rather do this using specific Koi fish food, as this has been accurately measured out for the best nutritional balance.
    Happy in a slightly warmer environment, you can ensure water temperature is between 15 to 25°C (59 to 77 °F).
    Koi work very well in an aquaponic system. Especially if you have system where you get to show of your fish.

    betta fish for aquaponics or siamese fighting fish indoor aquaponics

    Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta)

    These fish are just stunning, with their goldfish style bodies but flowing fins and tails, they are just beauties to watch.
    They have a very particular diet as well, in that they like live brine shrimp and bloodworm, although frozen will do too.  In addition, you can make their main source of food, for sake of ease, Siamese Fighting Fish granules or pellets.
    They should be fed 1-2 times daily and in small quantities, as they have a tendency to overeat.
    Being a tropical fish you need to keep the water temperature at a warm 25 to 26°C (78 to 80 °F).
    Warning!  As they are fighting fish, you cannot put more than one Betta or Fighting Fish in the tank at a time.  They will fight each other to the death!
    Suggestion is to either go with a soriety of female bettas, but no less than 4, ensure your tank size is ideal.

    small ornamental fish for aquaponic indoor systems

    White Cloud Mountain Minnow

    Another member of the Carp family, the White Cloud Mountain Minnow fish is as hardy as you will find, so perfect for an aquaponics system.
    They are hardy and grow very easily and quickly.
    A standard small pellet or flake type fish food is perfect for these guys and they do very well in temperatures of around 18 to 26°C (64 to 79 °F).

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