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    7 Aturan untuk mengikuti aquaponik

    Mulai dari unit tempat tidur media di Bangkok hingga pengembangan 120 unit rumah tangga dalam air (DWC) yang berkembang di Ethiopia, aquaponik menampilkan potensi sesungguhnya untuk menghasilkan makanan berkelanjutan kapan saja, di mana saja. Perkawinan antara akuakultur (membesarkan hewan akuatik seperti ikan, siput atau udang dalam tangki) dan hidroponik (menanam tanaman dalam air), aquaponik adalah cara 'bersih dan hijau' untuk secara efisien membudidayakan tanaman dalam sistem resirkulasi.
    Hingga saat ini, lebih dari 150 sayuran, jamu, bunga, dan pohon kecil telah berhasil ditanam dalam sistem aquaponic, termasuk penelitian, unit domestik dan komersial.
    Apakah Anda memulai unit aquaponik Anda di rumah, mengembangkan proyek aquaponik berskala besar, atau memperjuangkan unit aquaponic skala kecil di kelas, berikut adalah tujuh aturan yang harus diikuti:
    1. Pilih tangki dengan hati-hati. Fish tanks are a crucial component in every aquaponic unit. Any fish tank will work, but round tanks with flat or conical bottoms are recommended because they are easier to keep clean. Remember: Try using strong inert plastic or fibreglass tanks, because of their durability and long life span.
    2. Pastikan aerasi dan sirkulasi air yang cukup. This means you should use water and air pumps to make sure that the water has high levels of dissolved oxygen and good water movement so that your animals, bacteria and plants are healthy. Remember: Electricity costs are a significant portion of the system budget so choose the pumps and power source wisely, and consider photovoltaic power, if possible.
    3. Menjaga kualitas air yang baik. Water is the life-blood of an aquaponic system. It is the medium through which all essential nutrients are transported to the plants, and it is where the fish live. Five key water quality parameters are important to monitor and control: dissolved oxygen (5 mg/litre), pH (6–7), temperature (18–30 °C), total nitrogen, and water alkalinity.  Remember: The water chemistry may seem complicated, but the actual management is relatively simple with the help of common test kits.
    4. Jangan mengisi tangki terlalu penuh. Your aquaponic system will be easier to manage and will be insulated against shocks and collapse if the stocking density is kept low. The recommended stocking density is 20 kg/1 000 litres, which will still allow for substantial plant growing area. Remember: Higher stocking densities can produce more food in the same space, but will require much more active management.
    5. Hindari pemberian makan berlebih, dan buang makanan yang tidak dimakan.Wastes and uneaten food are very harmful for aquatic animals because they can rot inside the system. Rotting food can cause disease and can use up all of the dissolved oxygen. Remember: Feed the animals every day, but remove any uneaten food after 30 minutes and adjust the next day’s portion accordingly.
    6. Pilih dan tempatkan tanaman dengan bijak. Plant vegetables with short grow-out periods (salad greens) between plants with longer-term crops (eggplant). Continued replanting of tender vegetables such as lettuce in between large fruiting plants provides naturally shaded conditions.  Remember: In general, leafy green plants do extremely well in aquaponics along with some of the most popular fruiting vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.
    7. Menjaga keseimbangan antara tumbuhan dan hewan. Using a batch cropping system can help keep a steady harvest of both aquatic animals and vegetables to keep a consistent production level and maintain a constant balance between fish and plants. Remember: A secure source of young plants and young fish is important, so make sure that the supply is considered during the planning phase. 

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